CAST: Scorsese, Martin, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Sharon Stone, James Woods, Don Rickles, Alan King, Kevin Pollak, L.Q. (Justus E. McQueen) Jones, Dick Smothers, John (Joe Bob Briggs) Bloom, Frankie Avalon, Steve Allen, Jayne Meadows, YEAR: 1995
Hot Lunch
YEAR: 1982
The Hellcats
YEAR: 1968
Sex World
YEAR: 9000
Wanda Whips Wall St
YEAR: 1982
Hannah Free
YEAR: 2009
August and July
YEAR: 1973
Diary of a Hitman
YEAR: 1991
Sissy's Hot Summer
CAST: Alan Colberg, Candida Royalle, Bob Glen, Alan Colberg, Sharon Kane, Mimi Morgan, Tony Bond, Jesse Adams, Susan Nero, Aubrey Nichols, Lisa K. Loring, Jeff Scott, Laurien Dominique, YEAR: 1979
CAST: Howard Avedis, Karen Black, Tony Lo Bianco, Arlene Golonka, Monte Markham, David Naughton, Jack Carter, Sharon Farrell, William Windom, Robert Fuller, Walter Brooke, Jordan Charney, Sybil Danning, Angus Duncan, Bob Hastings, YEAR: 1987
Overnight Sensations
YEAR: 1976
The Velvet House
YEAR: 1972
A Boy Girl and a Dog
YEAR: 1960
The Narcotics Story
CAST: Robert W. Larsen, Art Gilmore, Herbert Crisp, Officer Joe Delro, Darlene Hendricks, Bob Hopkins, Douglas Kester, Patricia Lynn, Fred Marratto, John Murphy, Allen Pitt, Sharon Strand, YEAR: 1958
In the French Style
YEAR: 1963
A Flea in Her Ear
YEAR: 1968
Fantasy World
YEAR: 1979
YEAR: 1994
The Daughter
CAST: Simon Stone, Sam Neill, Geoffrey Rush, Anna Torv, Miranda Otto, Paul Schneider, Kate Box, Odessa Young, Sara West, Ewen Leslie, Nicholas Hope, Carma Sharon, Gareth Davies, Steve Rodgers, Richard Sutherland, Wilson Moore, Ivy Mak, Eden Falk, Robert Menzies, Sumon Aye, YEAR: 2016
The Vanishing Outpost
CAST: Ron Ormond, Lash La Rue, Al St. John, Archie Twitchell, Sue Hussey, Sharon Hall, Clarke Stevens, Riley Hill, Cliff Taylor, Ted Adams, Ray Broome, Bud Osborne, Lee Morgan, Ned Roberts, Ray Jones, Curtice Rutledge, John L. Cason, Steve Darrell, Bob Duncan, Jack Evans, YEAR: 1951