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Synopsis: | Faithful adaptation of powerful Harper Lee novel, both an evocative portrayal of childhood innocence and a denunciation of bigotry. Peck's performance as southern lawyer Atticus Finch defending black Tom Robinson (Peters), who's accused of raping a white woman, is flawless. Duvall debuted as the dim-witted Boo Radley. Lee based her characterization of "Dill," the Finch children's "goin' on seven" friend, on Truman Capote, her own childhood friend. |
Directed by: | Robert Mulligan |
Producer(s): | Mark Huffam, Brentwood Productions |
Cast: | Gregory Peck, Brock Peters, Phillip Alford, Mary Badham, Robert Duvall, Rosemary Murphy, William Windom, Alice Ghostley, John Megna, Frank Overton, Paul Fix, Collin Wilcox-Paxton |